Category Archives: Prism’s Milestones

Wonderful People Still Exist

I want to say my night was just made, but that’s not an accurate statement. Not even saying my entire week was just made covers the incredible moment I experienced just now.
I saw this woman, and I liked her shirt (she and her friend were behind us in line at the register, looking at the five dollar movie bin), so I walked up to tell her so, and at the same time she accidentally knocked over a movie. So, I bent over to pick it up for her and said, “I like your shirt.” I didn’t really expect a much of a response, because I give compliments as often as I can (remember my previous post, “Being Nice Isn’t a Dying Art – Yet?), and usually I only get a thank you or a grunt or maybe even just a Look in response, but as I was bent over, she said, “Thank you, baby, and I love the way you dressed! You dressed real sharp, real sharp.” I stood back up and put the movie back, completely flustered, and said, “Thank you! I just love comic book t-shirts (one of which I was wearing, with my sleeveless brown leather jacket, yellow shorts, flip-flops, my “ruby” pendant my dad helped me make, and my brown straw fedora – ironically enough, when I’d got dressed, I loved my outfit, but didn’t think it would make waves. It was before, and now will definitely stay, one of my favorite outfits!) and she said, “It’s real sharp, I love it.” And all I can do is say thank you about a dozen times time and walk over to my dad, smiling wide. He asked me why I was so red; apparently, I was blushing as dark as my backpack.
I don’t want to say that was the best part, because it meant so much to me, but it did become even more meaningful when, when we finished, and as I was pushing the buggy away, I told her to have a good night, and she said, “You too, baby. You’re one of the nicest, most polite young ladies I’ve ever met.” And even after I walked away, (after thanking her again), I could still hear her and her friend talking to my Dad about how wonderful I am, and how they could tell, even though they didn’t speak to them, how wonderful my siblings are, how different we are from others, and how they’ve raised us right.
You guys, I’m still smiling!
These moments in life make me want to do better; they make me want to not lose my temper so often (which, honestly, already isn’t very often), to not be so sarcastic and cynical, to be even kinder. This moment made me want to be the person that that woman complimented all the time.
People don’t realize how much a moment like this can mean to someone. And I understood exactly what she meant; this is what the world used to be like. People used to compliment others, and strike up conversations, and be friendly and polite and kind. The moments were as special then as they are now, but they were special because they meant something, not because they were rare. And being rare makes them mean all the more.
This woman didn’t just make my night, or my week, or even a highlight of my year. She gave me a memory for forever; one I will remember for the rest of my life.
I only wish I’d learned her name; I hope I see her again. But even if I never do, she is like the man who bought me and my siblings an ice cream for saying “Excuse me” and “Thank you”; like the woman in Kroger who gave me her cardinal pin for being nice and polite; she is a friend for life, and someone I will never forget.
This song is for her, and for anyone else who’s ever made someone feel good by just being nice!
Have a wonderful, fantastic, beautiful day, wherever you are!



My best friend sent this to me as a sort of e-birthday card and I gotta love her for it. She couldn’t have found a better video to send me!
You gotta admit – Yzma would be an awesome chick to celebrate with.

Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy Birthday to me…. Happy Birthday to me…. Happy Birthday, dear Prism (ME)…. Happy Birthday to me!

Sherlock Greeting Card

Sherlock Greeting Card

Wow, they really do make a card for everything….
UPDATE: So apparently this was my 200th post. Dang it! What do I have to do, start counting these things one by one so I can actually, maybe one day, make a big deal out of one of them?
Anyway, woohoo, 200 posts!

My Honor Has Been Restored! (Wait, People Still Do The Honor Thing?) – Liebster Award

My Honor Has Been Restored! (Wait, I Have Honor?) - Liebster Award

The fabulous (I’m so sorry if that doesn’t work, I’m still trying to figure out how to tag blogs on here. If I do it wrong and someone else knows how, please tell me!) bestowed upon me the honor (haha, get the picture now?) of nominating me for the Liebster Award! HOORAY! (Leeb-ster? Leeb-schter? Lieb-steer? Aren’t award names supposed to be easy to pronounce?!)
What is the Liebster Award, you ask?
I answer, great question!
So I surfed around some blogs and got the quick run-down, courtesy of ;
“The Liebster Award is a non-tangible award passed between bloggers, much like chain-mail; it’s a way of connecting bloggers and thrusting up and coming blogs out in the blogosphere (as only blogs with less than 200 followers can be nominated).”
It’s a miracle!
But, oh no, I can’t just say, “WOOHOO I ROCK!” and continue with my sometimes-predictable-but-always-amusing posts, no no, my dears, I must follow the rules. (*Snorts*)
First, I am to post 11 facts about myself. (11 is a running theme for this, I’m not sure why, but I’m just rolling with it. Roll with me? We can scream “Aaaaaas youuuuu wiiiiish” during the descent….)
Fact 1: I try never to pass up the opportunity to make a reference. (Obviously.)
Fact 2: It took me three tries to spell “opportunity” right. (Sorry, total fake-out fact, but it’s true. How about I chew gum as often as I breathe?)
Fact 3: I used to compete in figure ice skating competitions. (That’s right! I was athletic once!)
Fact 4: I can’t stand bugs. I scream like the girl I am when one flits on me.
Fact 5: I’m a lazy perfectionist procrastinator who works on projects until her brain falls out of her ears. (Did you get that?)
Fact 6: I’m entirely mature. (And incurably sarcastic. Figure it out.)
Fact 7: The Avengers is my favorite movie and Sherlock is my favorite tv show. I went to see Avengers four times in theaters and I am PROUD.
Fact 8: I usually never shut up and am yet having way too much trouble writing these facts.
Fact 9: My two favorite book series are the Percy Jackson novels and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. (Sorry, ACD. Only history geeks will get that, which I am. Maybe admitting that will make up for Fact 8.)
Fact 10: One of my favorite things to do is curl up with a book and have a peppermint cuppa.
Fact 11: I like all types of music – pop, rock, rap, alternative, instrumental, classical, etc.

*Pant pant* I did it! Success!
No? What’s – what’s that? There’s – there’s more?!

Okay, let’s see, now I must answer the 11 (See? *Sing song-y* Running theme!) questions Ms. Izzy Harvey issued me and her other nominees! *Takes a deep breath*

1. What is the one thing in life that you couldn’t live without?
Excluding the answer “my family and friends” simply because it’s a given (and completely true!) I’m going to go with books.

2. What was your favourite subject at school?
Early on it was Language Arts, because I always loved learning how to write, but once I had that down and started writing novels it became History. (And still is!)

3. If someone came up to you and said they were you from the future and you had to go with them right now to save the world, would you go?
Not only would I go, I would say, “FINALLY!” (Also, I would avoid touching them/me. Every decent sci-fi geek knows that could A: create a paradox and/or B: rip a hole in the fabric of space and time and end life as we know it. So big no no on the touching.)

4. If you could trade lives with one person for a day, who would it be and why?
I really can’t think of anyone off the top of my head. Like, switch bodies? Because that would just be weird, to be honest. Or switch lives? No, that involves switching bodies….

5. If you could have one superpower what would you pick?
Well – uh – elemental control. No, shape-shifting. One of those, I think.

6. What is your ‘go to’ song?
What About Us by John Barrowman. No, Mordred’s Lullaby by Heather Dale. No, wait, Unwritten by Natasha Beddingfield. NO NO WAIT, WAIT, What Makes You Beautiful By One Direction. Definitely. (But I really love that new song Problem by Ariana Grande….)
Let It Go from Frozen. That’s my answer.
*Hit Me With Your Best Shot starts playing*

Can I skip this one?

7. If you only had 24 hours left to live how would you spend your time?
I’d probably waste time figuring out how to spend my time and then try to do everything I’ve ever thought about doing. And I’ve gotta say, I’d look for love if I hadn’t already found it.

8. Where is the best place you’ve ever been in the world?
I haven’t traveled far, so this answer will most likely change in the future when I travel the world, but right now, I really loved going on vacation in Atlanta, GA.

9. What do you like most about blogging and why did you start a blog?
I started a blog because it seemed such a great way to vent my own thoughts, and to interact online with others. (The social butterfly flutters her wings.) Hmm, I like coming up with posts, interacting with my followers, and watching my blog grow. So, basically, everything! (I can tell you what I don’t like, though – organizing my categories. Yuck!)

10. Can you do a cartwheel?
Eheh… eheh…. no. I’m working on it.

11. Can you speak/wish you could speak any other languages?
Yes! (To wanting to learn other languages, that is.) I know some basic conversation in languages like Spanish and French, but I would like to become fluent in many languages.

…What’s that? THERE’S MORE?

Now I am to nominate other blogs and issue them 11 questions! (To all those I nominate – this is purely voluntary! Participate if you wish, ignore it if you would rather not. It’s all for fun and exposure!) *GASP* The indecency! Ohh, wait, exposure of your blog, of course! *Wink*


My nominees!

Woohoo! Yippee! (Please pretend I never typed that.)

Last step, right? Okay, last step, here we go!
11 questions from me to my nominees!

1: Favorite book?
2: What’s the hobby you’ve always wanted to try?
3: If you could have a theme song play whenever you enter a room, what would it be?
4: Salty or sweet? (I know, I know, HOW DARE I ASK SUCH A QUESTION!)
5: Why did you start blogging, and what have you enjoyed most of the experience?
6: What is the goal of your blog?
7: Who is your idol/biggest inspiration?
8: Favorite quote?
9: Worst movie you ever saw? (I’m calling you out, “Where the Wild Things Are”!)
10: QUICK, the TARDIS appears at your door and the Doctor walks out, inviting you to travel all of time and space with him. What do you do?
11: Favorite Holiday?

*Pumps fist*
Again, thank you so much for the nomination, Ms. Izzy Harvey, and to all other nominees of the wonderful Liebster Award (of which I had no knowledge of until today) have fun!

100 Followers! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!

That’s right, my dear readers, your inspiring (and albeit unnecessarily sarcastic at times) PrismStar has just hit 100 followers!
WOOHOO! *Jumps for joy, forgets headphones are on, gets jerked down and the entire desk collapses*
I need to stop being so zealous in my celebration…
I would like to say thank you to everyone who has like my blog, and has helped it to grow! (Obviously, for liking my blog, it means you rock.) I hope that this blog continues to grow!
I just jinxed myself, didn’t I…


I look to the right of my screen, and I make this face and go “Wowza, eehh.”
Really, I know in the long run all these categories are going to benefit me (once I start really filling them up) but currently, when most of them are pretty bare I just want to cringe.
(THIS IS ALSO MY 100th POST! WOOHOO! I was going to make a big deal out of this, but then I realized that this was my 100th post and went “Oops.” So, yeah, yippee! *Blows a noisemaker, almost tosses confetti and slowly lowers hand instead*)
See? I’m filling up these categories already!

First Post! (Mark your calendars!)

Mark your calendars, readers! (If I’ve got any yet.) This is my first post!
So I’ve decided to start this blog as if I’ve been doing it for years, (which, obviously, I haven’t, totally new to the blog scene), and just wing it.
I’m assuming a good blogger starts off by talking about things her readers will relate to before she starts babbling about whatever interests her personally. So, for my first post, I shall talk about something everyone should be pretty familiar with by now…
*Dun dun
It’s hot then it’s humid then it’s rainy and hot then it’s cold and slushy and then it’s snowing and then it’s warm again-
Snow is about the only thing I like about the cold, but when it’s March, I’m done with it, thank you very much. Fini. Arrivederci. Goodnight moon. The sun’ll come out, tomorrow….
(If there still is a sun. Has anyone seen it lately?)
Okay, okay, Mother Nature had an excuse before March 20. But it’s past the official day of Spring now! I’m ready for some sun. Flowers. Cool breezes. Shorts and cardigan weather, I like to call it.
Who’s with me? Come on, let’s break out the capris pants and tanks tops for the end of March!
And then we can all break out the umbrellas for the beginning of April…
(Like my little sign off? How clever of me.)