Blog Archives


You cannot find peace by avoiding life.
– Virginia Woolf

The Meaning of Life = SOLVED

I’ve found the meaning of life and it’s listening to Josh Groban sing.

Comfort Zones Are For The WEAK

Comfort zones are for the WEAK.
I’ve always said I’m a wimp. *Winks*



Ron Stoppable: When life gives you lemons-
– Ron Stoppable and Drakken, Kim Possible, Disney



My Life Is Exciting – But You Wouldn’t Know It

So, whilst I was perusing other blogs, I realized I should talk more about my life.
(Uh duh Prism.)
I mean, I made this blog to get my opinions out there and interact with new people and basically just talk about anything, but I’ve gotten this blog stuck in a routine.
I mean, usually people blog because they have no life, (I’m going to offend so many people with this…. PLEASE DON’T UNFOLLOW ME THIS BLOG IS MY- WELL NOT LIFE – BUT- JUST DON’T UNFOLLOW ME!), but I do have a life and it’s quite riveting (my reactions to recent book releases would fascinate you, my dear followers).
I must fix this, I’m just not sure how…

Wonderful People Still Exist

I want to say my night was just made, but that’s not an accurate statement. Not even saying my entire week was just made covers the incredible moment I experienced just now.
I saw this woman, and I liked her shirt (she and her friend were behind us in line at the register, looking at the five dollar movie bin), so I walked up to tell her so, and at the same time she accidentally knocked over a movie. So, I bent over to pick it up for her and said, “I like your shirt.” I didn’t really expect a much of a response, because I give compliments as often as I can (remember my previous post, “Being Nice Isn’t a Dying Art – Yet?), and usually I only get a thank you or a grunt or maybe even just a Look in response, but as I was bent over, she said, “Thank you, baby, and I love the way you dressed! You dressed real sharp, real sharp.” I stood back up and put the movie back, completely flustered, and said, “Thank you! I just love comic book t-shirts (one of which I was wearing, with my sleeveless brown leather jacket, yellow shorts, flip-flops, my “ruby” pendant my dad helped me make, and my brown straw fedora – ironically enough, when I’d got dressed, I loved my outfit, but didn’t think it would make waves. It was before, and now will definitely stay, one of my favorite outfits!) and she said, “It’s real sharp, I love it.” And all I can do is say thank you about a dozen times time and walk over to my dad, smiling wide. He asked me why I was so red; apparently, I was blushing as dark as my backpack.
I don’t want to say that was the best part, because it meant so much to me, but it did become even more meaningful when, when we finished, and as I was pushing the buggy away, I told her to have a good night, and she said, “You too, baby. You’re one of the nicest, most polite young ladies I’ve ever met.” And even after I walked away, (after thanking her again), I could still hear her and her friend talking to my Dad about how wonderful I am, and how they could tell, even though they didn’t speak to them, how wonderful my siblings are, how different we are from others, and how they’ve raised us right.
You guys, I’m still smiling!
These moments in life make me want to do better; they make me want to not lose my temper so often (which, honestly, already isn’t very often), to not be so sarcastic and cynical, to be even kinder. This moment made me want to be the person that that woman complimented all the time.
People don’t realize how much a moment like this can mean to someone. And I understood exactly what she meant; this is what the world used to be like. People used to compliment others, and strike up conversations, and be friendly and polite and kind. The moments were as special then as they are now, but they were special because they meant something, not because they were rare. And being rare makes them mean all the more.
This woman didn’t just make my night, or my week, or even a highlight of my year. She gave me a memory for forever; one I will remember for the rest of my life.
I only wish I’d learned her name; I hope I see her again. But even if I never do, she is like the man who bought me and my siblings an ice cream for saying “Excuse me” and “Thank you”; like the woman in Kroger who gave me her cardinal pin for being nice and polite; she is a friend for life, and someone I will never forget.
This song is for her, and for anyone else who’s ever made someone feel good by just being nice!
Have a wonderful, fantastic, beautiful day, wherever you are!



Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it.
– Sai Baba


The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
– Oprah Winfrey


When I’m really into a novel, I’m seeing the world differently during that time – not just for the hour or so in the day when I get to read. I’m actually walking around in a bit of a haze, spellbound by the book and looking at everything through a different prism.
– Colin Firth